Sunday, October 23, 2011


Well its half four on Saturday arvo and the plumber never came lol I'm sure he said his name wasnt ORielly.  I was clearing some branches earlier and pulling them through the garden to one of my many branch piles my trousers slowly started to fall down, maybe the plumber was watching and saw someone else with plumbers crack and thought he had missed out on the job. I didnt want to drop my load so kept waddling through the undergrowth with my kegs getting lower and lower untill they eventually dropped to my knees, I sighed hitched them back up and carried on.

I pressure washed some more of the patio this afternoon and the sun came out to celebrate for a few hours, both my bedroom and the sitting room have dual aspect and its lovely when the sun streams in I suppose with them facing South and West the afternoon / evening sun will be bonny when it does break through the clouds.

There are multiple streams running through the grounds here that I shall have to clear as they are full of leaves and debris. Hurry back John lol.

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