Saturday, February 18, 2023

Well done Florida Health Department

I'd like to congratulate the State of Florida Health Department in the US for making public and transparent their vaccine adverse reactions data, even though I realise they probably have been transparent to oust a different political party from power.

This You Tube video by Dr John Campbell who has been concerned throughout the pandemic is a good breakdown of the reactions data taken from the Health Departments release. I would really encourage people to watch it especially if thinking of taking another shot. 

I can understand why Governments and the Elites like Mr Gates and Big Pharma are trying to cover up the fact that they insisted we all dosed up on vaccines that had not undergone the rigorous trials that all previous vaccines had to go through, as it will see them lose their positions of power and riches, but I think the Facts cannot be swept under the carpet as they could have been in the past due to the internet and social media.  


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