Sunday, February 19, 2023

Having problems understanding the need for a Metaverse

The Metaverse : is a spatial computing platform that provides digital experiences as an alternative to or a replica of the real world, along with its key civilizational aspects like social interactions, currency, trade, economy, and property ownership.

Do we really need an alternative to the real world? Maybe if we are locked into 15 min cities the only escape will be to strap on a helmet and virtually escape. Its quite scary the plans the likes of the WEF have for us. 

Imagine a virtual world where billions of people live, work, shop, learn and interact with each other -- all from the comfort of their couches in the physical world.

In this world, the computer screens we use today to connect to a worldwide web of information have become portals to a 3D virtual realm that's palpable -- like real life, only bigger and better. Digital facsimiles of ourselves, or avatars, move freely from one experience to another, taking our identities and our money with us. WHY? 

Rather than sitting on couches young people should be encouraged to meet other real people not digital avatars, in real situations not bigger and better virtual worlds, to get out into nature get their hands dirty and learn about life.

I just don't get it.

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