Saturday, March 11, 2023

Facebook and fake news

It must be very difficult to come up with an algorithm that is fair and unbiased, I just worry sometimes that the line, keeping people "safe" from fake news and propaganda by filters on free speech and debate is actually a dystopian move to suppress information that could affect the companies agenda.  

The concerning thing for me is that Meta’s AI-powered tool, called Sphere, introduced to detect, and address misinformation, or “fake news”, of the internet uses scanning of hundreds of thousands of citations at once to check whether they truly support the corresponding claims. 

This sounds fine, but science and progress in general, revolves around questioning citations and not just following blindly along. The questioning views opposing mainstream beliefs have been filtered by Sphere and either not shown at all due to their being labelled as false news or only shown to a very small proportion of the community. 
So here is how it works, the Facebook algorithm evaluates every post. It scores posts and then arranges them in descending, non-chronological order of interest for each individual user. This process happens every time a user—and there are 2.9 billion of them—refreshes their feed. 

The goal of the Facebook algorithm is to give the best Facebook user experience possible. It allows Facebook to sell more ads by increasing their time on the platform. Facebook looks at 3 main signals to evaluate a post’s relevance to users: 

Who posted it: People with whom you have a lot of interaction will appear at the top of your feed. 

Type of content: Your feed will favour the videos, photos, or links that you interact with the most. 

Interactions with the post: Posts with a lot of interactions, especially those with whom you engage the most, will be prioritized by Facebook. 


So really all this is giving you is more of the same content you have viewed, liked, or shared in the past and only the content considered safe.

Mark Zuckerberg is betting the future of his company on the metaverse, turning part of it into a hardware business with its own operating system. The Metaverse is one of the WEF’s dystopian visions for us, a single, shared, immersive, persistent, 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways they could not in the physical world while they are imprisoned in 15 min cities with CBDC’s and digital ID’s controlling every part of their existence.

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