Thursday, April 6, 2023

Liberal Democracy

I have been lucky to have lived in a Liberal Democracy, initially in Scotland then Australia and now Ireland, from 1962 to date. Actually from 2020 to date it does not feel like a Democracy anymore it feels like living in an Orwellian, Dystopian, Catastrophic Horror movie.

Global data is showing alarming signals and correlations between the administration of Pfizer’s Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products and an unprecedented rise in serious adverse reactions in patients, including disability, foetal abnormalities, aggressive cancers and death.

Astrazeneca vaccines have been stopped in Australia after cases of life threatening thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome on the pretext that other vaccines are better. 

Cases of adolescents and young adults developing myocarditis after vaccination with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-targeted mRNA vaccines have been reported globally and yet there are massive moves Worldwide for edible vaccine as a new concept developed by biotechnologists. 

Edible vaccines are subunit vaccines where the selected genes are introduced into the plants and the transgenic plant is then induced to manufacture the encoded protein. Foods under such application include potato, banana, lettuce, corn, soybean, rice, and legumes. They are easy to administer, easy to store and readily acceptable delivery system for different age group patients yet cost effective. 

Covid Vaccines were sold as "Safe and Effective" and are now turning out to have been neither. Billions were moved to the wallets of Big Pharma, people have died and untold others lives have been harmed by a mandated poison, mandated by the WHO an organization still promoting Astrazeneca vaccines to everyone over the age of 18 yrs. In April 2023 how can we possibly trust the WHO after all the evidence now known about spike proteins effecting organs throughout the body and excess deaths due to vaccines?  

Big Gates is busy financing Lab grown meat and injection of mRNA into our food supply. THEY are determined to get this poison into us.

THEY are pushing Digital ID's, CBDC's (the end of cash), 15 min cities, Lab grown meat, the end of farming, getting rid of cars and getting rid of fossil fuels.

Who are THEY and why are they doing this? To find THEY you have to follow the money and it leads to Davos and the WEF Elites, with Big Pharma and even bigger Blackrock and Vanguard lurking in the background. 

Why are they doing this? Well it has nothing to do with an anthropogenic climate crisis probably the best con ever, but all about power and the transfer of money from the poor to the wallets of the rich. Not just a small amount of Power but all of it. You will own nothing and be happy or else.


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