Thursday, May 4, 2023

Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics.

Klaus Schwab Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum is a big fan of Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics. He said as much when visiting the country at the end of 2022 when he commended China's "achievements," and suggested the nation could be a "role model" for others around the world.

Now I dont know if you think the Chinese model is as perfect as he thinks it is but to give you an idea China's CBDC is linked to one's digital ID, where one can pay with their palm (digital ID). China's Cashless society is a 'surveillance economy' where people lose all privacy, are controlled, tracked and cancelled at the whim of the government

Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics has already started here in Ireland and the UK and actually all over the World, THEY are using Global Warming as an excuse to introduce all sorts of new Dystopian measures, Digital ID's, CBDC's (Cashless society), 15 min cities, the end of cars to all that can't afford a EV, the end of free speech and the right to protest, A One World Government, One organization, the WHO in charge of  Health, the list goes on and on, censorship and books being modified. ESG's (Environment, Social and Governance)

I'm sorry to say we have been guilt tripped into believing that our way of life  (up till 2019) was privileged and if they take away those rights we have not really lost anything. This is not true, the majority of people were not privileged they worked all their life, and tried to save for a pension, a few years later when they die any savings are taxed again. The people unable or unwilling to work are given state assistance to keep them alive hardly a privilege. 

We Must say no to  Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics if we value our freedom and cultures.        



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