Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Paddies visit and some flowering shrubs in the garden

Well I had Paddy across from Australia for seven days before his wedding this next weekend where I shall have to not lose his rings and stand up and do a wee speech. Was good fun with him, fishing every day in all sorts of weather. He had one lovely day on which I  got sunburnt and a morning with sleet showers and it blew for most of the time. We managed one trip out on the yacht and I got a nice cod and we landed some biggish  pollack, no mackerel yet.
Had a trip over to Inisheer, the smallest of the Aran Islands and a lot of the photos are from there.

Paddy left for Southampton yesterday arvo and I don't know if he made it there but probably has.

Took the camera round the garden this morning which is going rampant due to no gardening this last week, bracken and brambles popping up all over and the grass growing like mad, anyway I,m not bothered until I get back from the wedding and then I'll get back into it. I have Alan and John here from tomorrow evening and they stay until we get back from England on the 26th. Then I have a Portuguese helper for a couple of weeks stay.

As you can see all my roddies and azelias are eith in bloom or about to erupt, my veggies are also going good with the spuds growing in tyres turning out to be a good idea.

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