Sunday, February 23, 2014

Apologies for no blogs

Sorry I haven't been blogging  this last week or so but I had a houseful of visitors, Sheana and Sacha came over from Scotland and after a couple of days in Waterford they came up by train with John for four days. John isn't well and learns this week if he is a good candidate for stem cell replacement or not, fingers crossed that they can do the treatment. I haven't been able to phone anyone either as we still don't have a phone line or internet connected and the mobile charges here are extortionate.

On the clear up front everything is going well, the trees at the front of the house are about three quarters logged and I have been chopping them as I go so my arms and back are getting stronger by the day, my ankle is progressing well I had a visit to a physio on Wednesday and she was really pleased with the lack of swelling and movement in the foot, she was also taken by my high arches and was asking if I was a fast runner when I was younger as the high arch in a runner gives an explosive start. The foot massage was a wee bit sore initially but you come out of there feeling like jumping in the air. I am leaving the tree stumps out the front quite high and aim to make them into sculptures with the chainsaw down the track and I also saw a great idea for garden beds
I might transfer one of my raised beds from the back of the house up to the front as it will be quite a talking point to have all these sculptures and a garden bed that looks like a real bed on a front lawn, it will look good too if it is filled with flowers.

It is pouring rain here this morning (whats new) so I am having an easy day. Tomorrow I have an appointment to see the heel man in Galway and I am hoping he lets me out of the boot and just gives me a heel wedge in the shoe instead which should mean I can drive again, it is a big pain relying on Angie to take days off work all the time to run me to Dr's appointments. Sheana and Angie managed to unblock the culverts under the lawn so the water is running down the burns instead of over the grass for the first time since Christmas which should let the lawns dry out a bit and Sacha gave me a wee hand chopping logs and stacking them even though he got bored and really wasn't into it after about an hour or so, still good going for a thirteen year old town kid. 

Had a nice afternoon in the pub with Sheana on Friday afternoon which is the first time I have imbibed for a while and when we got back there was a game of Pictionary and the drawing reflected the amount of lateral thinking caused by rum and coke to such an extent that nobody guessed an answer yet. 

Well it dried up here this afternoon so I was out logging again for two fills of petrol in the chainsaw. 

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